Finds Stadskasteel Zaltbommel

March 18, 2024

At the Stadskasteel Zaltbommel, we are working on grouting restoration, as part of the annual maintenance. Last month, during the restoration work, we discovered two special spots behind the facade of the monument! Robin Koot, project manager, talks briefly about the restoration and the finds.

"How cool to find pieces of history that no one knew existed."

Robin Koot | Monuments Project Manager

A new space

Restoration work for Stadskasteel Zaltbommel started in spring 2024. "We are working on pointing repair, as part of regular maintenance. In the process, we are removing the existing hard grout that causes damage in the masonry. A new softer grout will be installed to better match the existing masonry. During this process, we remove bad stones right away. Once the grouting was removed and some of the bricks were removed from the facade, we suddenly saw a new space emerge. It is a small space of about 1 by 1 meter, I estimate. The ceiling of the room is wood and the walls are plastered. So it is a use space. Yet no one knew this room existed!"


Dat was niet de enige vondst. “In een van de muren stuitten we tijdens de werkzaamheden ook op een schietgat. Het gaat om een kleine opening waardoor geschoten kon worden of dat gebruikt werd voor spionage. Het gaat dus om een nieuwe vondst, maar dit is niet het enige schietgat. In andere gevelvlakken zitten ook schietgaten, maar die zijn al in het zicht. Toch bijzonder om weer een nieuw verhaal van het stadskasteel te ontdekken.”

Further research

We will now investigate further what was the function of the small room and what role the embrasure played in the history of the castle. The restoration work will take several more weeks. You can visit the museum in Stadskasteel Zaltbommel as usual in the meantime.



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