Partner selection development Teylingen
The Ruin of Teylingen is an impressive structure with an eventful history. For the State, the province, the municipality of Teylingen and for us as a Monument Property, the ruin has great historical value. Together with the adjacent monumental Kaasschuur and historic Westerbeekschuur, the site is a combination of ancient history and recent bulb history.

Ger Copier | project manager
Together we want to make the place attractive and accessible for the inhabitants of Teylingen, the regional tourist, the casual passer-by and the national tourist, so that this special place can be enjoyed. Therefore, a partner selection process for the development of Teylingen has started. In order to involve market knowledge and entrepreneurship at an early stage and jointly realize a realistic, feasible and attractive plan for the Ruins of Te ylingen and the immediate surroundings.
Click HERE for more information on Teylingen's partner selection.