Grote Kerk Veere

The name Grote Kerk (Great Church) is no exaggeration in this case. You can see its imposing appearance from afar. The church was founded in 1342, and besides its religious function, it also had many other functions, such as military hospital, beggar's workshop and storehouse. At the time of the inundation of Walcheren (1944) and during the Flood Disaster (1953), the church was even used as an emergency shelter for livestock. All church treasures and ornaments disappeared over time. Today, heritage in the Grote Kerk comes alive with a modern experience. It is also a stage for art and culture.



Year built


Building Style



Anthony I Keldermans


The Chapter


Giant church for a relatively small town

Owned by Monumentenbezit

Since 2016

Wheelchair accessible

Yes, first floor

Visitor information

Discover the Experience in the Grote Kerk Veere. Here you can playfully experience the history of Veere. The church is also a stage for music, visual arts, film, literature, dance and theater. The Grote Kerk Veere is managed by the Stichting Exploitatie Grote Kerk Veere.

Visiting address:

Oudestraat 26, 4351 AV Veere

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